So what are your dreams? It was a question my mother asked as she baked and I watched.. I drew lines in the imagainary board I had.. as I looked at her. I had a dream of being mated and having many babies by now.. I had a dream of a warrior that would want me for who I am not just to give him sons.. :shrugging: but they were just silly dreams that all women have my age.. they do not mean anything. And what of that nice warrior.. what was his name? :she asked: Oh you mean Tasco? He is gone. like most the others he left for adventures far and wide.. I guess there was nothing here to keep him.. I said as I looked at her.. just another foolish dream.. Besides.. there was another woman that was hard pressed to have him.. along with a few others.. she seems to be gone to.. thankfully.. She like to twist others words to suit her purpose and more than once got me in trouble.. Always so innocent.. my arse.. :again a little shrug of the shoulders: Means nothing any more anyway.
But what are your dreams now my daughter? :she asked again: I had to think about that.. as I slowly said.. I have none. I live each day as I do. working.. caring for the elders.. visiting you.. There is no point in having dreams.. for they vanish like the clouds in the sky when the moons come out.
She stopped and looked at me: But I thought.. You were wrong Mother.. I think the only one that got her dream come true was Sev.. and that is enough for me.. at least one of us achieved to capture a dream.. Now I have none.. there is no reason to dream. Dreams are for foolish women :I said probably not as convincing as I wish.. but it was what I said.
But one day maybe Yamka.. :I just shook my head: I do not wish to think about one day.. I will think of today and when it becomes tomorrow I will think of that.
Your brother's mate is having a baby... my mother smiled at me... isn't that nice? I replied. Yes its very nice for them.. I will make sure I have a gift for the day..
As I played with the ends of my braid.. I watched my Mother.. she seemed much happier. more relaxed.. Does that warrior care for you Mother? He does not hit you does he? Well then she moved to the step and sat with me.. No he does not hit me.. he is not like that.. And you much not think all men are like your father.. he was not always like that.. Not in the beginning. Well Mother, its all I knew of him.. he was either nice or mean.. and I have the scars to show for it..
So is that why you no longer dream? They leave or they are mean... not all are like that.. Your friend Sev.. is her mate like that? Well.. I said slowly.. Fonce is different.. but no I do not think he would ever be mean to her.. Its funny.. that woman I told you about.. she wanted Fonce... but I knew Sev liked him very much.. when this woman could not have Fonce.. she went after Tasco.. they are probably together somewhere laughing at what a foolish young woman I was.. I thought he was different but I guess not. just like the rest of them..
Yamka.. its alright to have dreams..
I stood up and smiled.. Yes mother for some its alright to have dreams.. but not me... and off I went back to my own wagon