Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The baby Verr

So I was out walking along the perimiter of the camp.. when I was butted from behind.. Thinking this was one of my brothers again.. I spun around ready to throttle him.. but there was no one there... Skies... am I losing it.... So I continued my walk.. just daydreaming and thinking at the same time.. when I got butted again.. Now I know this time someone has to be there.. so I dropped to my knees so I could roll out and knock over who ever was doing this when low and behold I was eye level with a little verr.. it bleated at me.. and head butted me again.. Well.. I saw stars.. lots of them.. as it put me on my butt... and I rubbed my forehead.. So what was this little bitty baby verr doing alone near the edge of the camp... I kinda peeked underneath it.. to see well it was a little girl... so tiny... then it dawned on me.. probably the runt... mother did not care... left alone... My heart went out to the little thing... as I got up and lifted her in my arms..

So what do I do with you know little one... Those damn large eyes just got to my soft spot.. and I knew then it was all over... She was gonna be mine... and I headed to my wagon.. and tied her to the wheel.. I think I will call tiny bits.. She will keep me company I suspose... better than trying to talk to my brothers.. she at least will not laugh..

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A cool Breeze

I woke with a start.. I must have kicked the furs off during the night.. and I was just a little chilly.. I dragged myself up. and washed my face.. and brushed my hair.. making sure that I put just a little grease on the bone comb.. to add some shine to my long braid.. 7 times I wrapped the thin leather strap around the end of my hair.. for my seven brothers. I loved each one differently and for different reasons.. I threw my tunic over my long skirt and then sat down to put on my boots..

My brothers tease me sometimes saying I smell like oil and leather. and not something sweet... :would just shrug it off.. because I did not care really.. I work with leather all day long.. I would tell them at least I did not smell like the dung of a busk.. and then I would run.. because if one caught me they all would catch me.. and then it would be throw the sister in a circle time. I know Amos has dropped me more than once on purpose.. and Rav.. pretends that he is gonna miss when I am tossed his way.. but my eldest brother..Sam, never misses.. he is my protector. and my worse enemie.. he is usually the one father places to hold me when I am to be whipped.. I know he tries to make himself a cushion. but sometimes father catches on.. and makes him lash me to the side of the wagon.. Now I do not get beat very often.. usually when I am disrespectful. or when I have not moved fast enough for my father..

I think all young people have had their moments of rebellion.. learning to fly on their own.. making mistakes is a part of living.. if everyone were perfect would fun would be in that.. I guess I am a late bloomer... I have not really wished to leave the safety of my fathers wagons.. Gone unseen... is fine.. I am not invisable of course.. but why make yourself the center of someones attention.. thats not always a good thing... The young girl that lived in the next wagon over.. she was fast... She was my age.. at the time. I guess we were both around 14 summers.. and she wanted this warrior.. He was not much to look at really... a large nose.. and he was missing a tooth.. and.. I am not sure he bathed nearly as often as the bosk he tended.. but to her he was a way out of her fathers wagons... and so day after day... While I was still being young.. she was trying to be old.... In the end she got that warrior... but not the way she had intended.. she wears his collar now... and he has taken a mate... I guess there is much to being and acting your age.... My father used her as an example of what can happen when you wish for something you are not ready for..

Monday, December 29, 2008

A Token of Friendship

She and her mother spoke as they cooked their evening meal... Her mothers name was Ehleen.. and she had heard of the warrior Fonce.. sitting there she told her daughter that while he had been know for his temper.. he was also a very fair man.. and had a following of young women. .. and the slaves all wanted his attentions.. Yamka just looked at her mother.. and listened..

He had a fondness of a sweet... I can not exactly remember what it was... but not candy.. it was not candy.. :her mother spoke on: He was once a good man.. I do not know what he is like now Yamka.. be careful around him.. and others.. you are so innocent.. which is my fault I suspose.. You are wise in someways.. but warriors... :her mother shook her head: All you have to judge them by are your brothers.. and not all warriors are like them.. Not all warriors respect women.. some would perfer the warmth of slaves.. then the comfort of a good mate.. ..:she eyed her daughter for a while: You are not ready to to mate... you have much to do before your father will allow a warrior to speak for you.. : a relief fell to the young womans face.. listening to her mother:

I want you to take this to the warriors wagon. as a welcome home gift.. Its a pot of stew made and bread.. There is a cool pitcher of milk.. and some of my honeycandies... He was also good to those of the outer wagons.. Your father has spoken and it shall be done.. You can place a leatherstrip on the pothandle so he will know its from the leatherworkers wagon.. :her mother nodded:

And so as I headed back to the main fires.. I took the items my mother had placed in a basket.. and walked the long row.. Finding the warriors wagon.. I set the items on his platform.. His wagon was quiet.. so I assumed him to be asleep.. the leathermark of my father on the handle..

And then I headed to my own wagon.. Mother had given me a small box.. to keep my treasures in.. of course when I found some... I am also most 20 summers old.. I fear my mother thinks she grows old.. but to me, she and father are as young as the day... their love for each other brightenest even my darkest days...


So there I was at the fires... after making sure my wagon and everything was in its place.. My mother put a few things in there from her and fathers wagon.. A pretty rug now covers my wood floor.. and she put two more furs on top the old pile that my brothers have given me.. And there is a bowl and a cup.. I am all set.. What more could one ask for..

I was sitting at the fires.. with some others of the tribe.. and the woman that scared me so badly the 1st day I met her.. Asked me.. would I chose a non tribe family member over a tribe member.. That really was the easiest question so far.. My parents instilled in my brothers and myself.. that once you leave the tribe.. then you are no longer tribe.. Unless its to like to visit the Sandars.. or raid a caravan.. or trade at the outpost.. but to leave and never come back.. you are no longer family or tribe.. So my answer was easy.. Tribe over non family member.. I don't think I will ever need to worry about that.. cause all my family is in the tribe.. no one have even visited a city.. or had any desires to..

Then some warrior came riding in.. and got himself something to eat.. and then pointed at me.. said Whats that?... So I polietly said who I was.. and such.. he had me turn around.. what an odd thing to do... And then he gave me a task.. he has 4 sons... and he wants new outfits for each by the morning.. I found out their ages and sizes.. by asking around... and worked on them all the night through... Once I had them done.. I set them on his platform all wrapped... I hope that he finds them satisfactory..

I was asked by the woman Cana to go to the track while this warrior and another ran some race.. It was pretty exiciting.. The woman I found out later.. is the leader of the clan of leatherworkers... I will be hoping she will give me some tasks..

I went to my furs after I got the little warriors leathers done.. and I am now just waking.. I have chores to do and help my mother..

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Inquisition

Mother sent me to the first fires after we fed my brothers and father.. with a task to deliever outgrown clothes to the woman Cana.. But I think she had something else in mind.. I was questioned again on my knowledge.. I hope I answered to their satistaction.. it was hard to tell but I did walk away alive.. always a good thing..

The woman Silken has asked me a question that I think maybe only she knows the answer too.. so how am I suspose to know.. All I can do is give her the answer I think is best.. When to pick the grass... according to my father.. we never pick grass.. but there must be a time or she would not have asked me.. It will drive me insane until I figure out that puzzle..

Before I left.. the woman Cana has said she is having my wagon pulled closer to the main fires.. I am not so sure my father will like this.. he has a very large thumb and keeps me under it at all times.. but it will be different.. not to hear my brothers snoring each night.. and have their dirty clothes just dumped on my steps.. So I tell father.. that the Ubar will be my guardian while I am there... I could see his face cloud up.. not so sure if it was from angry or pride.. but he nodded.. and said Do not shame me Yamka.. be respectful, kind.. helpful... and do what ever they task you to do.... I gave him a hug... and I could feel him tense then he finally hugged me back.. having a daughter was not something he expected.. 7 sons and them me... My brothers he has always been harsh with.. he says it makes them strong.. but me... I think I baffled him.. not sure how to deal with certain things.. so he would let mother handle most.. but punishment was his and his alone... My back is covered with the strips of his last punishment.. for not answering the woman in time.. I promised I would do my very best not to shame him...

I could see tears in my mothers eyes... but I assured her I would still be there every morning to help her with the chores.. and do my lessons.. and what ever else was expected of me..

I locked down what little things I had in my wagon.. and watched as some OR came with a bosk or two.. and hitched it up.. moving it closer to the main fires... I walked behind it.. just in case something might fall out... and stood there in awe.. It was not exactly at the main ring.. but closer than I ever was before..

Oh and I still have both eyes...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A good day

I promised my mother I would do laundry today for her... With 7 brothers there is a lot of wash to do.. as my brothers are not the cleanest men.. There were so many there from the 1st fires.. I was just a little nervous.. I did met another prospect to the 1st fires.. Noe... a very nice woman.. I hope we can be friends at some point..

There were so many there.. I do not know names yet.. I kinda find it odd.. because I am tribe.. not some outsider that seeks entrance to the tribe.. I am just trying to work my ways to the 1st circle of wagons.. but its not my position to say much about that.. It seems all are treated with the same distain by some.. :shrugged: Not my problem really.. its just our way.. even though my parents are not from the 1st fires.. they are just as much tuchuk as anyone else there..

I did met a warrior who actually gave me his name.. He seemed ill to me.. but when I asked he said not.. just a hard road traveled.. He was very nice.. and said he would like to taste my mothers stew.. When I got home. I told my parents about him.. and yes they knew of him.. He was once the Ubar... but had gone away for a long while.. I guess I never paid much attention to who was ubar or not.. My father was the law in our wagon and he followed the laws of the Ubar..

I told them he said he would like to come visit our fires and have some of mothers stew.. They both smiled and said it had been a very long time since anyone of the 1st fires had visited that far back in the wagons.. and they would give him the same hospitality they gave any that visited the wagon.. In otherwords.. he would not get given any more or less than the lowest OR or the highest.. My father said that all tuchuks were important there was not one more important than another.. I kinda wiggled my nose at that.. for from what I have seen so far.. there are some that certainly think they are.. I will treat all the same.. just as my father taught us..

There was another warrior there that said all women were Osts.. and sneaky.. I kinda too offense to that since he did not know me.. or anything about me.. If I even attempted to act all snooty and snotty like, my father would have me whipped within an inch of my life...

After talking with my parents.. I had to finish my chores.. all my brothers leathers were left in their wagons.. and then I would straighten up each wagon.. making sure their braizers had enough dung for a warm fire... their furs were shook up and placed back in neatly.. In my eldest brothers wagon.. I found a girl hiding in a corner... her eyes all wide and she looked scared.. I am used to slaves hanging around his wagon.. but this one looked like she was to afraid to move.. So I approached her. and crouched down looking directly at her: Did my brother tell you not to move? :she shook her head no: Did he tell you to be here when he got back? :she shook her head no again: So I looked her in the eyes again: Then it might be best if you were not here.. cause he can be really really mean if someone does not do as he says... :the girl jumped to her feet.. nearly knocking me over.. and ran from the wagon.. .. I got to my feet with a slight smirk on my face.. My poor brother... I was sure that girl would be back.. I felt sorry for her.. more than once I had felt the sting of my brothers hand or his kurt.. I am not sure what he would do to a slave.. probably kill her..

So as I headed out from my brothers wagon.. I groaned seeing 3 of my other brothers coming my way.. with tunics and pants.. and grins on their faces.. Oh Yammiekins.. we have some work for you... dropping the leathers on the step of my little wagon.. more leather that needed repair it seems.... They all laughed and headed off to the pens... they had night patrol now... thankfully for me.. I only had to deal with 4 brothers during the day..

Well.. I will have to write later.. cause I can hear my father calling my name.. which means I am either in trouble or its time for another lesson.. And then there is dinner to get made.. and served to the remaining brothers and my father..

Friday, December 26, 2008

Kinda Scared

I stepped out of my wagon..the sun was shining.. I could smell the sweet grass.. and as I yawned and stretched.. I was tackled from behind my one of my brothers... as I scrambled to my feet.. and turned fists raised... I saw it was my youngerst brother, his name is Ord. He is one of the OR that guard the camp.. he has his red scar and is courting a certain young woman from one of the other wagons.. I can not see why she would want him.. he is cocky and large.. he eats well..

I had to brush the dirt my my skirt.. and gave him the evil eye: So what did you do that for? .. he grinned at me.. and said because he could.. and then he messed up my hair with his rough large hands.. So Yammiekins.. what questions will you not know today.. And then he laughed at me again... I ignored him and walked to find my mother..

She was at the stream. washing the clothes.. and so I stayed and helped her and talked.. I told her my fears.. And that I did not want to wear a collar because I could not answer them as quickly as they wanted.. My mother. placed her finger under my chin and lifted it up and looked into my eyes.. So what..? so what she said... its a trial.. everyone that wants to sit around the Ubars fires has to go through it.. There are some there they think they are better than others.. but I will tell you a secret my young daughter.. Everyone is the same.. each person in the tribe is a part of a link.. those links are what make the tribe whole.. They test you to see what you are made up.. Are you a strong or a weak link.. Will you be able to go the distance.. and give all you have to the betterment of the tribe as a whole.. and not for yourself...

This is a harsh way of life my daughter.. you have been spoiled in that you have never had to answer to anyone but your father.. Now with this movement.. you answer to everyone..

Think about your words.. thing about the answers.. go slowly... Do not get nervous.. And you will do fine... I know you are capable of succeding.. you are a Tuchuk... :she smile to me:

My entrance

Father and mother both felt it was time I made my place in the tribe.. I know I am one of many young prospects from the outer wagons.. but hey.. they are not me.. I thought I was ready but boy was I wrong..

Question after question.. how many kinds of bosk are there... what do I bring.. how do you cure leather... I could not think fast enough.. So when I went back to my fathers wagon.. my brothers were standing there.. laughing.. teasing me.. saying look at the baby... How many bosk are there Yammiekins.. Well I knew that answer.. it was 15 but could I think of it when the woman asked me.. No it went right out screaming past my lips and out to dead air..

My father stood on the step of his and mothers wagon... a stern look on his face.. damn I knew I was in trouble now.. He prided himself on teaching us the ways.. and I had blew it... Looking at my eldest brother Sam.. he pointed to the kurt.. he kept on the side of the wagon.. I knew I was in for it now.. I had shamed him because I could not speak fast enough.. My mother stood, arms wrapped around her waist as she watched her only daughter... who had tried to step into the adult world.. just make a mess of it.. but she knew I would not give up..

My father pointed to the wheel of his wagon.. and Sam took me by the arm.. and held me against him.. My father was not a harsh man. he was fair and loving.. but in this moment.. I had brought my family shame and for that he would punish me..

"pull her tunic up Son" :my brother did not hesitate.. if anything my brothers.. were warriors.. their lives were rules and obdience.. and Sam lifted the back of my tunic as my father laid to my back 9 lashes.. one for each of my brothers my father and my mother... I will give my mother credit.. she did not flinch nor turn away.. my father would have doled out 9 more had she done that.. I on the other hand.. did flinch.. no matter how many times I had been whipped in my young life.. it still hurt.. but at least I had the cushion of my brother to somewhat soften the blows.. My other 6 brothers stood and watched in silence.. I was their baby sister.. but still a woman of the tribe.. and this in their eyes is a rightful punishment. I would be sent to my wagon.. to think and to study.. tears stung my eyes as I could feel the eyes of each one as I slipped into my wagon.. I would show my father.. I would make it to the first fires..

For now though.. I pulled a soft piece of leather I had been working on... and just held it.. and cried.. I hated to shame my father.. I would do better next time.. I would..