Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Inquisition

Mother sent me to the first fires after we fed my brothers and father.. with a task to deliever outgrown clothes to the woman Cana.. But I think she had something else in mind.. I was questioned again on my knowledge.. I hope I answered to their satistaction.. it was hard to tell but I did walk away alive.. always a good thing..

The woman Silken has asked me a question that I think maybe only she knows the answer too.. so how am I suspose to know.. All I can do is give her the answer I think is best.. When to pick the grass... according to my father.. we never pick grass.. but there must be a time or she would not have asked me.. It will drive me insane until I figure out that puzzle..

Before I left.. the woman Cana has said she is having my wagon pulled closer to the main fires.. I am not so sure my father will like this.. he has a very large thumb and keeps me under it at all times.. but it will be different.. not to hear my brothers snoring each night.. and have their dirty clothes just dumped on my steps.. So I tell father.. that the Ubar will be my guardian while I am there... I could see his face cloud up.. not so sure if it was from angry or pride.. but he nodded.. and said Do not shame me Yamka.. be respectful, kind.. helpful... and do what ever they task you to do.... I gave him a hug... and I could feel him tense then he finally hugged me back.. having a daughter was not something he expected.. 7 sons and them me... My brothers he has always been harsh with.. he says it makes them strong.. but me... I think I baffled him.. not sure how to deal with certain things.. so he would let mother handle most.. but punishment was his and his alone... My back is covered with the strips of his last punishment.. for not answering the woman in time.. I promised I would do my very best not to shame him...

I could see tears in my mothers eyes... but I assured her I would still be there every morning to help her with the chores.. and do my lessons.. and what ever else was expected of me..

I locked down what little things I had in my wagon.. and watched as some OR came with a bosk or two.. and hitched it up.. moving it closer to the main fires... I walked behind it.. just in case something might fall out... and stood there in awe.. It was not exactly at the main ring.. but closer than I ever was before..

Oh and I still have both eyes...

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