Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The baby Verr

So I was out walking along the perimiter of the camp.. when I was butted from behind.. Thinking this was one of my brothers again.. I spun around ready to throttle him.. but there was no one there... Skies... am I losing it.... So I continued my walk.. just daydreaming and thinking at the same time.. when I got butted again.. Now I know this time someone has to be there.. so I dropped to my knees so I could roll out and knock over who ever was doing this when low and behold I was eye level with a little verr.. it bleated at me.. and head butted me again.. Well.. I saw stars.. lots of them.. as it put me on my butt... and I rubbed my forehead.. So what was this little bitty baby verr doing alone near the edge of the camp... I kinda peeked underneath it.. to see well it was a little girl... so tiny... then it dawned on me.. probably the runt... mother did not care... left alone... My heart went out to the little thing... as I got up and lifted her in my arms..

So what do I do with you know little one... Those damn large eyes just got to my soft spot.. and I knew then it was all over... She was gonna be mine... and I headed to my wagon.. and tied her to the wheel.. I think I will call tiny bits.. She will keep me company I suspose... better than trying to talk to my brothers.. she at least will not laugh..

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