What a wonderous and mysterious event it is to have a baby.. and to have 2 babies... well to me that is just utterly amazing... And yet we have had two woman now have sets of twins.. My mentor Noya.. and now Cana... We still have two more women that are expecting anytime I think.. Poni and Kaeli.. We will have babies everywhere..
I wonder what it feels like to be expecting.. I have heard it changes not only your moods but your eating habits as well... So I went to visit my mother and father... sitting around their small fire we drank blackwine and discussed the subject.. A couple of my brothers sat there until I brought up that subject.. all but one quickly excused themselves.. All except Ord.. since he was the only one that was fixing to claim a women.. The rest are vulo...
My father said when my mother carried his sons.. she was fairly normal.. a few odd requests for things.. but when she carried me... :he rolled his eyes: Well we knew something was different.. She was moody.. would cry at the smallest thing... Wanted all kinds of odd foods... and she sang to me all the time.. My father knew I was not going to be a boy.. but he would keep mother around anyway.. after all she gave him 7 sons.. And he said when I was born.. everyone in the outer wagons was woken with my gusty cries.. He said even he cried when he saw me.. a daughter.. He was afraid of me at first.. I was tiny.. red and had this mass of black hair that was wild.. but he said when he looked into my eyes.. he was lost.. so. he had to be very strict with me. or I would have been spoiled.. Well that made sense in a way.. and in another way.. I had to just watch him..
Now Ord wanted more details.. And mother suggested that he and father speak privately.. As she fingered her pan.. and looked at my brother.. Your sister does not need to know that much detail... Oh I knew the techical details.. how and why.. you know that type stuff.. but Ord wanted it from a mans view... So he and father headed off towards the herds to talk and met up with the rest of my brothers...
Mother wanted to know how I was doing at the 1st fires.. and if I had met any warriors that I liked... I told her all about my work. she she already knew... and little things... but told her no.. while there was a warrior I did like.. I was not the type of woman he would probably go for.. and left it at that.. My mother raised a brow.. as she sipped from her mug: And why would you say that Yammie... and she would wait for my answer.. .as I tried to form the words in my mind..
I am simple mother... there is nothing fancy about me.. nothing that you have to dig through layers of emotions to find.. I am neither ugly or beautiful.. I do not bring a long lineage of special ubars or leaders... Nor do I know how to play the mind games that some like to do.. I have watched them at the main fires... Some come only when certain people are there.. Some only talk to certain ones.. I am not the one that when you see you take another look at.. As I spoke my mother sat there smiling.... and when I was done she spoke.
Yamka.. you are special.. you are a loving daughter.. you are devoted to the tribe and your clan.. You have strong ideals about right and wrong.. and my daughter you are very beautiful inside and out.. and one day.. a special warrior will look at you twice and see what you have to offer.. and perhaps then you will understand the inner workings of the 1st fires and why people do what they do. and maybe you will add to the many babies that fill the entire tribe.. not just the 1st wagons.. Now help me clean up. so we can start our day.