Thursday, July 30, 2009
Words of a Warrior
He found me in my normal spot.. near the herds.. He had his new sleen Runt with him.. Why is it I always seem to loose my voice when he is around.. I can not find the words I really want to say and end up saying nothing..
He told me a story of a good mate.. and as I looked into that make believe mirror.. I thought I saw myself.. a herlit.. a sleen and a kailla.. I think I went back to my wagons thinking very hard on his words.. I understood them.. I wanted them.. and I wanted much much more.
Two Peas in a Pod but are we really?.. Seve has moved forward in her life. While I am still paddling to stay afloat.. Things said sail past my head at times.. and I can not catch everything.. Seve has found the sensual part of herself.. the desires a mate and all the trimmings.. I am still trying to find that part of me.. I wonder does it even exist?
I don't ask her to come on my short adventures very often.. Why get the both us in trouble.. She has much more to lose than I certainly do.. But there is a part of me that wants to be more flirty.. more open.. but I keep my guard up all the time.. even when I try to remove it.. one thing is said or done and its back in place.
She did manage to find me the other night... at the stream.. I was thinking.. and trying to foget what had happened with Kam at the main fires. I was trying to figure out what horrible thing I had done to have him throw his lance at my feet..but I gave up trying..
But we were two peas in a pod at one time.. and I shall treasure those times in my memories..
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Where Did You Come From?
I was about to make my way back from the herds.. when I saw something move in the tall grass.. I stood there watching to see what the heck it was.. when out popped a small boy.. He was between me and a large bull bosk.. so moved slowly towards him. not to startle the bull.. When I got close enough I scooped him up and carried him far enough away from the bull.
I did not reconize him.. must be a little one from the outerwagons.. I got down to his level.. So how who are you and where did you come from? He looked at me with those large dark eyes.. and pointed towards the outerwagons.. He looked at me so seriously.. as he said he was called Thirsty... I tried not to chuckle.. as he went on: Momma calls me Thirsty :he took a deep breath: cuz I like to dink water alls the time.. :he then smiled up at me: So where are you parents now? I thought and why is he out here all alone?
He puffed out his chest.. and then crossed his arms.. :Theys losted.. Well that made my brow rise as I looked down at him.. So do you know where you wagon is?
He smiled at me and nodded: Mes not losted theys are.. So I hoisted up on Cloud and I got up behind him.. and said led on oh little warrior... a grin to my face..
So off we went.. when we got closer to those wagons.. I stopped Cloud and slid off.. and plucked him down.. Well there are thousands of wagons.. but he seemed to know where he was going as he slid his small hand into mine and tugged me along a well worn path.. Probably how he found himself out in the herds.
As we got closer you could see that something was out of place.. people were running around... looking under wagons.. and then I heard his name being called.. he grinned up at me and exclaimed: "Thats me! I am Thirsty.. .. a quick nod of my head as we moved closer.. I could see a young woman fretting near her wagon. a warrior rubbing his temples.. as he broke loose from my hand and ran towards them.. He looked back at me and yelled.. We founded them! I walked towards the parents.. as the father picked up his son and flung him around in the air.. Thirsty where have you been? I stopped not far from their wagon.. as the little boy explained he was looking for them all over the place and that this lady :he pointed to me: brought him back here.
The warrior walked towards me.. a wide grin to his face as he explained. the he and his mate.. seemed to get lost quite abit.. and Thirsty has to go looking for them.. I understood perfectly.. Well I am glad he found you... He was this close to being walked over by a large bull.. The warrior and his mate thanked me.. and I turned and headed back to the beast.. I felt a slight bump that nearly knocked me forward.. when I felt those small hands wrapped around my knees..He looked at me so seriously. You can come help me find my mama and da anytime... I ruffled his hair and gave him a smile.. Why little warrior I would be most honored to come on your search adventures.. He gave me a nod and ran back to his parents.. I noticed his boots and made note to get a new pair sent to his wagons..
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Emotional Breakdown
With everything that has been going on my mind is just a tumble mass of emotions that range from anger to lust to fear to courage.. I am a slave to my thoughts.. and I have to control each one to stay afloat..
I looked at my family and I find the courage to carry on day to day.. to always prove where my heart lies.. Ayg and I finally buried the hacket as they say.. and what ever line I had drawn between Mezoo and myself has vanished... I am angry over the actions of those I call family.. I find myself thinking of Tasco and a tiny bit if lust creaps into my thoughts.. and that causes fear that I might overstep.. Now that I would ever have the chance.. Each time we are around each other I can feel the tension of something.. and then a distraction appears.... My reaction is to step back.. Its what I do the best..
I am frustrated that things between Seve and Fonce have not been seen by others.. I am not sure why.. are people blind not to see there is a bright light that glows when they are with each other? Does someone need a pot upside the head?
Love.. an over used and overrated word.. its an emotion that fills everyone a differnt way and is shown in their own fashion... What is love to me.. might not be the same for you.. Love... what it is anyway
The desire to be with someone.. the desire to spend the energy to get to know them. to touch their minds and hearts... To know that if you close your eyes.. you can feel them inside you.. touching without touching..
Love is what you want it to be..
Love is the taste of warm honey running down your chin.. your tongue darting out to capture it.. Love is sharing a sweet with a friend.. a chaste kiss.. a touch of a warm hand.. its not tangible.. You can not measure it.. You can only feel it..
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Which way?
I was a comfort to have my mother near my wagons again. I really needed to talk to someone.. Someone I trusted.. So we sat on the step of her wagon and we talked about life and warriors... love and mistrust..
I told her about Tasco and how we met.. and talked. We spoke about feelings and how sometimes people will walk all over others to get what they want.. I nodded.. as I spoke softly: Everything time Tasco gets near. Asria appears.. I want to get to know him.. but I am afraid she is overpowering.. I can not get a word in edgewise.. she feeds him every night.. not sure what else she does.. Seems when we do have a moment to speak she wants to take him off to speak to him..
My mother patted my hand and smiled..and spoke in a gentle tone: Yamka. those kind of women sometimes get what they want and more than they asked for.. They smile to your face then do all they can to cause strife and discord.. My advice to you is to told true to yourself.. Do not fall into her game.. for then you look foolish.. If this warrior has any mettle in him, he will see right through her.. This is the same women you told me was after the warrior Fonce? :I nodded my head: Yes.. and the moment she saw Tasco she made it a point to chase after him.. I will not chase Mother.. its not me.. If what I am is not good enough then he is not the warrior for me. :I leaned forward on my elbows.. and looked at her: I like this warrior Mother.. I want to get to know him... his likes his dislikes.. his thoughts how he feels... but I feel it drifting further and further away.. How do you come close to showing someone how you feel or are.. when there are distractions.. always distractions..
I am not sure if the tears started after or before I spoke.. but I know a few ran down my cheeks... Is it always this way Mother.. is it always this hard? She wiped my tears.. and smiled as she hugged me close.. Yes.. its always this hard.. life is hard and there are many kinds of people to deal with.. and some just not as nice as others.. Just be yourself... and do not fall into her trap.. or any traps set before you.. Some you think are friends. lie in wait for you to make a mistake.. so they can throw it back to you. Do your work. keep your nose clean.. and everything should be alright.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
When did you Change?
How did I miss it?
I dont know when exactly it happened.. maybe when she gave up all she was to show Fonce how much she meant her words.. maybe it was when she was freed.. I am not sure... but slowly right beneath my own eyes she changed.. The carefree spirit that made up my friend somehow let the adult move ahead of it... The same thing happened with Mezoo.. her demeanor changed also when a man became a part of her life..
I don't want to change.. give up that little bit of freedom to soar with the clouds. when I want to... to adventure.. to be what I am.. I think I always knew she would change.. I am happy for her and Mezoo.. do not misunderstand me.. but I am curious as I watch them interact with their loves.. Its almost like watching a piece of clay form itself to what the man desires. I have to wonder if this is not a defeat in a way.. for wasn't that little bit of herself that attracted him in the first place?
I do not see any compromise on the side of the male.. I do not see them changing forming into what the woman desires...maybe they are not suspose to. I really do not know..
What I do know is I miss Seve.. We will always be friends.. but I understand our time of adventures is over.. that she has to act a certain way now.. She will teeter on the edge of adventures.. but never will she jump in with that carefree spirit again..
I suspose one day I will have to stop my adventures.. until that time...
The Nest
Its amazing what a little suggestion can turn into.. and without going into great detail... I sorta have my things back.. We did get the nest down from the top of Agy's wagon. withe the help of Ollie... but no sooner had we down and looked at everything that was in it... Ayg took it from me and place it on the top of my wagon.. I saw no logic in this wasted effort.. I realize the point he was trying to make.. however.. now I have to get it down again.. And I have to make some honeycakes for Ollie..
After everyone had gone to their furs.. Ollie finally arrived.. I explained what had happened.. and he chuckled.. and in two short moves he had the nest back down.. he said and talked for a bit.. And I found out something very interesting.. he has a made crush on Mable's sister Tiny... I nearly choked on the honey cake.. and he patted my back a few times... as it popped out and landed on the ground.. and don't you know that damn bird.. swooped down and stole it.. I swear that bird hates me.. but he will make a nice stew once I get him in my sites..
So with Ollie heading off to find the love of his life. . I took a small bowl and wash the poop off everything.. and would take the silver stir thingy to Mezoo.. and Seve's silver pendant back to her.. and the rest I would rest on Ayg's steps.. cause I took what was mine.. I don't know who the rest belong to..
Friday, July 17, 2009
Quiet Night
I knew somehow I had to get to the top of the ubars main wagon.. but for now that would have to wait.. I was about to leave when Tasco showed up.. and low and behold Asria was all of a sudden sitting at her wagon.. I said Tal to both..
I am at odds with how I feel about certain things.. I guess I see things on a different scale than others.. I am not a loud person. I do not always talk alot.. and I try not to show my feelings through body movements.. I dont really dislike anyone.. but there are some I feel very close to.. others. I.. well I do not trust..
Asria asked if she could fix him a plate.. and before he could answer she was already at the fires filling one.. but he had already eaten.. another woman fixed him a plate. he said she talked to much though and ruined his meal so he left.. I offered the suggestion of chewing on mint.. he said he only used mint for one thing.. Yeah I asked.. go figure.. he said Kissing.. I suspose he was trying to get a rise out me.. but I did not jump to the occasion.. I just laughed softly..
I guess we were not talking enough. I asked if he wanted to help me catch the magpie.
but he informed me he did not do birds... No biggie..I will catch it myself. He announced he was going to the stream.. and Asria jumped righth in and said could she go.. I did not say anything... I was comfortable where I was and did not need to chase after the warrior to the stream.. I do not know why Asria does not like me.. other than the one incident I have kept my distance.. she talks to much for me... I like quiet sometimes.. But I was thinking as I watched her all girly like and ready to pounce.. Sometimes I wish I could be alittle like that.. and then other times I am sooo glad I am not... I would much rather be doing something else than acting all prissy and prowling for warriors... Do I like Tasco? Sure what I know of him.. but I have had little time to get to know him.. And am I gonna chase after him? Nope.. did that been there.. do not need anymore hurt feelings.. i am find in my skin just the way I am.. some may not understand it. but really its not their place to understand it.. Accept me for who I am and what I am.. do not try and make me into does not work.
So anyway it was time to get up.. And as I got dressed and headed out the flap I nearly tripped over something left there... I crouched down and looked at it..seemed to be somekind of comb.. I wonder who would have left this and why.. judging by the way it was left.. I figured it must have been Asria.. When I see her again I will give it back... it probably holds sentimental value to her. I would feel ackward accepting it.. Now have I done anything to warrant a gift..
Well its time to get the day going.. I have much to take care of today.. and I wanted to get a head start on the move north.. so its off to check the wagons of the elderly..
I am at odds with how I feel about certain things.. I guess I see things on a different scale than others.. I am not a loud person. I do not always talk alot.. and I try not to show my feelings through body movements.. I dont really dislike anyone.. but there are some I feel very close to.. others. I.. well I do not trust..
Asria asked if she could fix him a plate.. and before he could answer she was already at the fires filling one.. but he had already eaten.. another woman fixed him a plate. he said she talked to much though and ruined his meal so he left.. I offered the suggestion of chewing on mint.. he said he only used mint for one thing.. Yeah I asked.. go figure.. he said Kissing.. I suspose he was trying to get a rise out me.. but I did not jump to the occasion.. I just laughed softly..
I guess we were not talking enough. I asked if he wanted to help me catch the magpie.
but he informed me he did not do birds... No biggie..I will catch it myself. He announced he was going to the stream.. and Asria jumped righth in and said could she go.. I did not say anything... I was comfortable where I was and did not need to chase after the warrior to the stream.. I do not know why Asria does not like me.. other than the one incident I have kept my distance.. she talks to much for me... I like quiet sometimes.. But I was thinking as I watched her all girly like and ready to pounce.. Sometimes I wish I could be alittle like that.. and then other times I am sooo glad I am not... I would much rather be doing something else than acting all prissy and prowling for warriors... Do I like Tasco? Sure what I know of him.. but I have had little time to get to know him.. And am I gonna chase after him? Nope.. did that been there.. do not need anymore hurt feelings.. i am find in my skin just the way I am.. some may not understand it. but really its not their place to understand it.. Accept me for who I am and what I am.. do not try and make me into does not work.
So anyway it was time to get up.. And as I got dressed and headed out the flap I nearly tripped over something left there... I crouched down and looked at it..seemed to be somekind of comb.. I wonder who would have left this and why.. judging by the way it was left.. I figured it must have been Asria.. When I see her again I will give it back... it probably holds sentimental value to her. I would feel ackward accepting it.. Now have I done anything to warrant a gift..
Well its time to get the day going.. I have much to take care of today.. and I wanted to get a head start on the move north.. so its off to check the wagons of the elderly..
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
In Honor
Once of the first encounters I had with the Ubar Bat'ar was a little odd.. and each time after that somehow he would bring up painting my face blue.. Perhaps he was teasing perhaps not.. but I do not know any other way to show my honor and sadness to him than by painting half my face blue.. just a very pale blue.. with some water and paint. mostly so it comes off easy... I will wear this for one day.. in honor of his memory.. Even if I do spend the day at the clan fires..
I am not sure what else I was able to do.. Those that were closest to Cana of course would gather around her. But she is a strong woman.. confident.. she will carry this burden with ease..or appear to.. because thats what an Ubara does... In my eyes she will always be the Ubara.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
3 Vulos and Another Verr.. Oh my!
I had just finished 6 pair of boots for a woman of the outerwagons... Skies she had 6boys.. and was expecting another child... I had fun with the kids...measuring their feet and teasing them.. telling them a story or two but now their boots were done.
I told her not to worry about giving me anything.. but as I was leaving one of the older boys, followed me with 3 vulo and a young verr.. As I looked behind me he was grinning.. You look good from behind Yamka.. I had to smirk. he was all of 12 summers old.. already checking out the backends of women... So he followed me back and then headed home once the animals were in their places..
So now.. I have 12 bosk for 2 wagons.. a baby male bosk.. 5 verr and 3 vulo... I am set.. for something just not sure what.
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Task
Kam had given me a task to do to prepare for the move North.. I did not understand everything that he and Tarra spoke about. and I did not need to.. he told me to prepare all the hides I could find.. And so..I took that task to heart.. and stayed close to the clan fires working quietly.
I knew it would soon be time to start getting the wagons ready.. making sure tarps were fixed and checking the reins.. anything leather was our responsibility.. I began with my own wagon. and found that the leather band had come loose of the back wheel.. I spent a great deal of the day trying to fix it.. but I was not strong enough. . Later that night at the fires Teng offered to help.. and inexchange for helping his mate with their son.. I said sure... I had his son with him some part of the day.. He seemed very interested in one of he baby verr... but he was not trouble to watch over and I actually had a good time..
It was abit sad to see his mother come get him.. but that is where he belongs. and I had alot of work to still do.. I had Seve's vest nearly done.. just a few little touches here and there..From the outside it looked like a plain brown vest. that is until you opened it.. I took ribbons of the same color as the skirt.. and sewed them on the inside edges of the vest.. some might see a splash of color when she walked but really the color was for her..
My mother had been settled into her wagons. but she slept in mine the 1st few nights.. We did not talk about my father.. She had been with him a very long time.. I knew no matter she loved him and would miss him.. But I did not broach the subject with her.. not yet... She needed time... no one really said anything that he was dead.. My brothers knew I think.. men seem to gossip more than women sometimes.. but I do not think even they knew for sure.. No matter which way you cut it. he had vanished from site.. A part of me was sad that I had not really known him as he was to my mother.
But it was nice to have her close.. I missed talking to someone that would not interject their own veiw into my questions.. it was nice to have someone that would not judge me just sit and listen.. I think I filled her head with so much she just fell asleep.. She is not ready to mix with those of the 1st fires yet.. She is content to visit her friends at the outerwagons.. but at least she is close to me again... I need that as much as she does. I avoided the fires today.. I just did not need the tension that seems to fill me when I am there sometimes.. not always.. I guess it depends on who is there.. There are many times I feel like an outsider looking in again... some sit and whisper to each other.. or give looks.. Sme just outrite ignore you... Its their loss I suspose.. I belong there I fought for my place and no one can keep me from it.I just sat on my step. worn out.. frustrated and very very sleepy... but the stars were out.. and calling me.. as I headed for the herds and my knoll of soft grass.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sitting on the Knoll
I had taken the basket of snacks with me.. and rode out to my favorite spot on all the plains.. my grassy knoll... I would let Cloud prance around with his new blue tailbow.. as I drew my knees up and draped my arms around them... resting my chin against the soft backs of my hands.. and I would watch everything around me. Once in a while I would lift my face to catch a dance on a cloud.. as I let my thoughs drift from one thing to another.. I did not know if I would see that warrior or not... but I was content where I was.. I had water and food.. and the company of bosk and the sounds of the plains..
I had made honey cakes.. and bosk rolls, ramberry tarts.. I took fresh bread and cheese with me.. and a few botas of water.. I was set for however long I decided to stay out here.
Mostly I chastised myself for allowing feelings to get in the way of my thoughts.. So what if he was invited to a dinner.. its none of my business what he does.. Yet I let her get to me. I guess sometimes we can not help feeling our hands are tied.. but I would work through this just as I have done before.. You have to create a mindset... you have to make up your mind to let the cold water rush off your back instead of trying to swim in the much... I chuckled at myself... for getting upset over nothing. Maybe I was getting older.. I don't know really.. I released my knees and leaned back to watch the stars... Another favorite thing I do when out here alone.. I was one winking at me.. it gave me hope
The Hunt
Oh man.. I am gonna catch that bird.. He has my brush!... Mezoo was right it was a magpie and he had been sitting on top of the wagon next to mine.. I bet it was just wating to come and steal something else.. but I did not have anything else for him to take.. soooo I set up a trap. yes I did.. allll around my wagons.. I put shiny nails... dug right into the ground.. and when he went for one I was gonna get him with a dung sack and give him to a commander to take care of.. cause I just want to find the rest of my things.
I was pretty patient.. well sorta patient.. well to be honest not very patient at all.. as I sat under my wagon just waiting... I had that dung bag all ready to go too.... I was gonna catch him.. then I thought.. hmm.. If I catch him then I won;t know where my things are.. so.. I decided to get my things back first then catch him... I had to abandon the dung sack for now... I whistled as I sat down on my step.. pretending not to see that blasted bird flying from one wagon to another.. and then I saw it.. A nest.. it was right on top of the ubars biggest wagon.. I bet my brush and things are there.... I am gonna have to get on top of that wagon.. and get into that nest and get my things... I will get Seve to help me.. :nods: yes thats what I will do... She can distract the bird while I climb up there and find my things...
I will catch her next time I see her...
Not Again
I know I am not very good with warriors.. I do not know how to flirt.. or bat my eyes.. or do the silly things some women do to get their attention.. I end up staring or saying something really stupid.. And some take advantage of my downfalls.. and well.. I feel its here we go again.
Now that I can sit back and look at the only experience I have had I realize that it was my own fault.. I was carrying my heart on my sleeve.. I swore then I would not do that again.. But really what I thought was love was really just going to be a very strong friendship.. which is what it was meant to be all along.. but this. this is different... So much more different..
I don't know what to do.. I don't know what to say.. I am frustrated that I don't know what to do... I am scared my lack of knowledge will make him think that I am not worth the time.. I am scared that this is the path my life will take.. always fearful of stepping out and taking a chance.. I am scared that if I take that step I will look more nervous than I really am..
All I can do is be myself.. and hope that he can see inside and maybe just maybe he might want to find out more..
Saturday, July 11, 2009
How Do I Feel?
As if things were not tense enough.. a visit from one of my brothers.. only confused me more... he said our father was missing... I knew. I knew at that moment what had happened.. and it was my doing... On my hand my heart was sad, yet on another I was relieved.. I could walk freely again.. never to look over my shoulder to see if he was there.. No more beatings or whippings.. Such a freedom came with such a high price..
I laid there on my furs.. Sad for many reasons tonight.. feeling a bit daunted by the various emotions running through my thoughts.. this would weight heavily on me for a while.. Did I regret it? No... but he was my father.. regardless of his past years actions.. I did have some feelings for him.. it was then I heard my name... it was my fathers voice.. I must be hearing things... but I listened..
"You know I never wanted you.. a daughter.. but you grew on me... I did not know how to deal with a young wiley girl.." Now at this point I figured it was the milk I drank before I went to bed.. I do not do voices in the head... I am not very good at those things.. "Never regret what you did.. It was the right thing.. I could no longer control the rage.. and know this.. I never meant to hurt you" I wanted to scream but you did.. you hurt me many times.... but since I did not believe I heard him.. and just listened..
His last words were to take care of my mother.. of which I would....
Now I do not know if this was the wind.. my mind playing tricks on me or was it really him.. Either way.. I felt a large ball of pressure just lift from my heart..
Yes he was my father... sometime in my life I did love him... but I knew I had done the right thing.. No child should ever have to do this, no child should have the burden of death on their shoulders.... but tribe above all... echos inside my brain..
Friday, July 10, 2009
A Visit to Cana
I had her saddles done.. and I wanted to take them to her.. I knew she had been sick.. and everyone was worried.. and I wanted to see for myself...So off I went with the two girls saddles.. my butterfly marks on each one.
Rook was there.. and I asked if maybe I could see her for just a minute.. Cause I needed to explain the saddles to her. Even if she was not really awake.. maybe she would hear me anyway.. I don;t know about these things. but heck it was worth a try right?
He smiled and let me pass...I could see her laying there. barely nothing. and it broke my heart in two... so I pulled myself up by the back of my britches.. and stood over her..
Ok Cana I got these saddles down for you.. But you have to be the one to show the girls how to use them.. and You have to be the one that teaches them all you know about riding.. So now its time to get up.. and brush yourself off.. and move on with your life.. I know you are hurting. and I bet you think if you just lay there long enough you will find B.. but thats not gonna happen.. Your just dreaming cause your mind is hurting along with your heart.. You have 6 babies here all needing their Mama... You want Ayg to raise them? :if anything that should at least make her stir:
Whatever has a hold of you does because you are letting it.. Where is that tuchuk spirit.. tell it to go to hell and leave you alone.. You have more important things to do... So.. I will expect you to be at the pens in the morning... with these two new saddles.. and I will bring the babies... :her hands on her hips as she fought back the desire to cry.. : Please Cana.. :she whispered: come home...
I turned around and left the wagon.. and looked at Rook.. thank you for giving me a little time.. The old warrior nodded.. and went back inside to wait for either a healer or spex to get there..
Hey Who Took My Brush!
I must be getting adsent minded lately.. I know I left my brush on the chest in my wagon... along with some beads I pulled out for Mezoo. and a few other trinkets I was saving for my chest. And now they are missing..
Now I know and you know that no one would enter someones wagon without permission.. and I know I did not take them out.. so where the heck are they. I looked around for clues, but alas.. nothing.. not even a footprint outside my wagon other than my own and that of my baby bosk and the verr..
I am gonna have to scour the camp.. you can not miss my brush. its pretty beat up.. I have had it since I was a little girl... its handle is worn down.. and the bristles are getting shorter.. but its mine.. it was my mothers and her mothers.. so its very old.. and not much of a brush.. more for sentimental value.. And the beads.. they were different... odd shapes that I thought maybe Mezoo could use for something.. and there was an old silver shiny thing.. Fonce called it a coin... and a tine from Turia... I was gonna save them to trade with next time we go to Turia.. and now they are missing... Who would want them anyway... so little of value..
Maybe one of my brothers took them to play a trick on me.. thats it.. making me think i am going crazy!... its driving me crazy.. .. I will be on the hunt now for my things..
I will keep my eye on things.. someone has them.. I am gonna find them..
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Lance.. the baby bosk
Tarra gave me a baby male bosk for making the skirt... I was shocked but happy just the same.. My herd is growing.. well kinda anyway... I kept him tied to my wagon for a few days.. until his snoring got the better of me.. and I took him out to be with my brothers herd..
Now I had to think of a name... As I watch the ornery cuss try to push his way into the little group of females. I had to chuckled.. of course.. it fit.. Lance.. his name would be Lance... I would enjoy watching him grow and come into his own..
Wait til I tell Seve what I named him... woooo she is gonna just die.. I just know it... Lance.. yep it fits
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A Empty Shell of Nothing?
Is this how I am seen?
Those words echo through my thoughts.. how come someone, who does not know me.. even think that? Hurtful words.. for no reason.. I am not an empty shell of nothing. I have so much inside that when I am with my friends it spills over... in everything I do.. my work.. my life my family and my friends.. I am not sad either.. I am a very happy person.. just because I do not bubble and sqeak constantly does not mean I am sad.. not all the time. everyone has moments of sadness.. its a part of life. it builds your character.. it gives you the will to move on..
Just because I do not need a man to lift and tote for me.. or to help me with my wagons... Or speak to when I am frustrated. does not make me any less a woman.. I like to wear ribbons.. I like to smell pretty. I just do not flaunt it.. I do not as I say squeak everytime a warrior looks my way... Do I wish to be mated.. of course. eventually... and have babies.. and all the other things... but I would rather chase the wind than chase after a warrior.. You might as well dress me up in robes and throw a veil over my lips.. because thats what city women do.. When the time is right. and the warrior is right. it will all fall into place.. I do not place my life on hold to wait for a warrior.. We are much to busy.. life on the plains is not a pampered life.. it can be cruel.. and harsh.. you have to be able to withstand many hardships...that come with the joy of our way our living.
All my life my father beat me.. for not being exactly what he wanted.. I still live and because of it.. I can handle probably more than some. When my friend Seve.. submitted, my brothers told me Father thought it had been me.. thats what he expects of women.. that is his veiwpoint.. it is not mine..
I have so much more to offer the tribe.. and each day.. I plod along.. taking care of what is in my power to do. I am a strong tuchuk woman. I know my place.. I know what I want.... and I will wait for it... not chase it til it runs away... If Tasco is not that warrior.. then it will be another.. When his heart finds mind.. we will both know...
So if you find me an empty shell.. then you have not opened me.. and looked to see whats inside... I think you will be surprised..
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Becareful of Warriors Lances.. and Ribbon Stealers
I was standing at the rail talking to Cloud.. I find animals have a better view of whats going on than we do sometimes.. he would listen and not put his two cents in.. except for a kiss or two.. I have curbed my feelings for warriors for a while now.. its been almost an year since I told Ayg how I felt and he told me.. ok sounds good. lets be friends... I am happy he has found someone.. really I am.. although you would think the way some tip toe around it. I am a bomb ready to explode... It just shows that some do not know me at all.. Anyway.. I was telling Cloud about a few things.. when Seve. limped her way over.. While my beast gives me slobber kisses. hers tries to take a bite..
So we were talking about things.. and Tasco came up.. I was telling her how he shoved his lance near my head.. she got the oddest look on her face. and actually looked mad.. For some reason she tried to change the subject.. and mention that Fonce as her to hold his lance.. Well I blinked over that.. Hold his lance? and that he used it for support sometimes.. Wow... now that was a visual... I tried to shake that out of my mind when she kept going on.. and then as if we both had some magical lightbulb go off.. she stopped.. Wait.. are we talking about the same thing?
We both started to laugh.. we both thought we were talking about his um. man lance.. certainly not their weapons.. although I am sure they can be used as weapons.. in this case its not what we meant... I swear i nearly peed my britches as we laughed..
I guess old Cloud figured while we were doubled over.. he was gonna take advantage of that and latched on to Seves braid . and ran off with her blue ribbon. I watched him prance around with that ribbon in his mouth.. Like hey look at me. see what I got..
We both chased after him.. Seve got her ribbon back but it was in poor shape.. chewed up... slobber was dripping off it.. She tried to wash it off but to no avail. and the damn beast ended up getting to keep the ribbon anyway.. I wonder if that was his plan all along..
Ah so it is with with Lances and blue ribbons.. and the beasts they are tied to..
So we were talking about things.. and Tasco came up.. I was telling her how he shoved his lance near my head.. she got the oddest look on her face. and actually looked mad.. For some reason she tried to change the subject.. and mention that Fonce as her to hold his lance.. Well I blinked over that.. Hold his lance? and that he used it for support sometimes.. Wow... now that was a visual... I tried to shake that out of my mind when she kept going on.. and then as if we both had some magical lightbulb go off.. she stopped.. Wait.. are we talking about the same thing?
We both started to laugh.. we both thought we were talking about his um. man lance.. certainly not their weapons.. although I am sure they can be used as weapons.. in this case its not what we meant... I swear i nearly peed my britches as we laughed..
I guess old Cloud figured while we were doubled over.. he was gonna take advantage of that and latched on to Seves braid . and ran off with her blue ribbon. I watched him prance around with that ribbon in his mouth.. Like hey look at me. see what I got..
We both chased after him.. Seve got her ribbon back but it was in poor shape.. chewed up... slobber was dripping off it.. She tried to wash it off but to no avail. and the damn beast ended up getting to keep the ribbon anyway.. I wonder if that was his plan all along..
Ah so it is with with Lances and blue ribbons.. and the beasts they are tied to..
Death of a Warrior
Finally it was over..
I thought when my brothers came they would tell me my father was gone.. but it was not him.. It was the elder that had lost his mate.. I was upset cause I had not been there.. but I suspose I can not be everywhere.. My brothers said they had all gone over to help him with some rocks.. and he just quietly gave out... I suspose his heart just stopped beating... They are going to set up the pyre and gather his family.. I will miss the old man.. He had many good stories still left inside him.. now he can tell those that passed before him..
I was glad my brothers were with him.. No one should die alone.. someone should be there to hold your hand.. to say its ok... to shed a tear... I will have to find his sons and see if there is anything I can do to help...
These Boots were made for What?
I had Silkens old boots.. boy these things had seen some life.. if they could only talk.. what adventures they could tell about.... I fixed them up for her.. put a new heel on them.. and sewed up and patched what I could.. they still had alot of life in them..
But she asked for a new pair as well... and.. so as I sat there and thought of Silken, I could not just make her a pair of boots. I had to MAKE her a pair of BOOTS.. one the when she wore them she felt well.. like rockin a wagon... :grins: Yeah I know she is pretty old.. but heck.. she deserves something rocking..
So.. I took a light hide. and dye it red.. yes I said red.. and let it dry.. then softened it up with a good coating of bosk grease. Over the hand or so. I worked that grease into the leather.. til it was workable... and then using her old pair as a pattern.. I made her these awesome. boots that go right to her plain red... thats all she needed... yep.. just some red boots.
The Skirt
Tarra had asked me to creat a skirt of the plains... with the colors and feel of our life.. I did not want to sew differnt patches together.. but wanted it to flow with the ebbs and tides of our lives..
So I took one piece of leather and bleached it out til it was white.. and let it cure with a coat of bosk grease... working it everyday with my hands until it was as soft as well.. it was soft..
Then I took the various dyes.. and began to work them into the leather.. I began with an almost violet color.. if you catch the steam at the right moment. when the sun stikes it at the brightest time of the day.. the water almost looked that color... Swirling it around the edge of the skirt... then working the sky with its blue.. our grass that shade of green that makes you feel cool even when the sweat runs down your face.. golden yellow for the sun... that gives us light.. and warmth.. during the day.. and orange for that romantic color it glows at night.. that makes our fires dance... and finally red.. for our fires that rise high in the nights sky.. for the blood spilt into the keep us safe from any outside influences..
As I lifted the skirt.. and looked at it... it was what I wanted.. how I saw the plains.. the colors.. it was bright.. it was full of life.. it was the plains..
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Another Pair of Magic Boots..
These were special boots for a special boy that I had just met with his sister and I am not sure what the warrior is. a friend? He seems much more... but anyway.. He wanted boots like this warriors... but everyone should have their own boots.. and walk their own path... he was going to be a special warrior one day.. I could see it in his actions and the way he was being raised.. And so.. these boots were made for just him.. not like anyone elses..
Leather dyed black... sewn with double stitches for an active boy.. I carved out a patteren then filled it with a bleach so it would dye out the black to a gray color.. His pattern... and then I set to on the step to look at.. the patterns were an exact match on each boot... taking my oily rag.. I placed a very thin coat of oil. and buffed it deep into the leather..... in a few days I will find this young warrior. and present his boots to him..
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