Friday, May 15, 2009


What an interesting night it had been... Seve and I were talking with Tarra.. I worry for the eldar.. she just does not seem well for some reason. I don't mean she is sick.. just there is something dwelling deep inside her and she seems a bit tilted to me.. I am no magician.. nor do I have the wisdom to find out what is wrong.. but I hope she understood when I said I could help.. I really meant it..

There was a large commotion over at the pens.. and Seve took off towards.. it... I was torn between staying and going.. but I went with my friend.. seems there was wagering going on over a man riding a kailla... Seve's Uncle was in the middle of it.. and after the warrior was done.. he asked if anyone else wished to try. Well don't you know her hand went right up.. I blinked... skies.. well if she wanted to be banged up and bruised the rest of the time here.. I guess thats one way to do it.. I would much rather just watch.. But she did manage to stay on for 7 heartbeats. and wagers were won... Cana arrived and the Ubar asked if she wanted to give it a try.. I kinda thought to myself.. Are they nuts?... Cana is to kailla as a bosk is to grass... But like men that they are they wagered... she told them to take the saddle off.. and they did... I think Cana gave them a good showing... and she stayed on for well over 11 heartbeats.. the Ubar lost some bosk...

On my way back to the wagons.. I spotted that vendor and his mouse watching me.. like what am I gonna steal something? Cana caught up and me.. and asked if that was the vendor.. and I nodded.. she told me to go get the piece of leather. we were going to get my beads...

Well after acting like his stuff was junk.. and pretending I was the Ubara... . I not only got one box of beads. but two!... I am rich.... I really am.

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