Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day at the Stream

I got up very early.. and gathered everything I needed to wash... made myself a little snack and took some water with me.. and made a day of cleaning out of it.. It was a lovely day.. although no one ventured to the streams.. it was alright..

I shook out the cotton shirts my mother had made for me.. and folded them so they could dry later on the rack.. and my know the things I sleep in.. and I found an old pair of socks. much to be for my feet. but I washed them anyway..

And then I headed down the stream where there is a large secluded pond.. and took a bath.. but I could not wash that tainted feeling from my skin.. Its gonna have to wear itself away I suspose.. I hope in time.. it does... I know only I can smell it.. and its probably only in my mind.. but :shrugged: Somewhere in the last hand or so I lost my innocence.. and was dragged hook line and sinker into the adult world..

I do not like it..

I stepped right into it and seems I was the only one that got covered.. but I was not the only one there... so why was I tossed into the ceasepool of adulthood? I could sit here all day and ponder it.. but whats the use..

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